Monday, May 12, 2008

Book Purchases of the Day

1. "AK-47 - The Story of the People's Gun" - Michael Hodge, HKD 144

Why?: What kind of fag are you, its a book about the fucking AK-47 that's why.

How many pages: uncomfortable 60 c per page

First impressions: A quick flip through turns up the Vietcong, Palestinian fighters and Rambo..nuff said

2. "Gang Leader for a Day" - Sudhir Venkatesh, HKD 216

Why?: An Indian student inflitrates a Chicago street gang to find out how gangstas, crack hoes and pimps do their thaang and why they choose to live outside civilisation. Probably pissed off by his endless IIM-intern-like questions in his Tamil accent, the gangleader "J.T" gives Sudhir command of the gang for a day. He has to decide who runs which hoehouse and how much coke goes into the crak and finally whether or not to pop a cap in Otis' ass for skimming off the top.

How many pages? 290...again bahenchod 75 c a page.

Books rejected:

1. Inheritance of Loss : scenes of a man shoving a woman's head into a toilet
2. The other Amitav Ghosh book: its about an inter-racial pirate
3. Goldman Sachs, A culture of success: HKD 250 to read about why smart jews are richer than everyone else...fascinating
4. The Nick Leeson Story: Oh fuck off, you were a retarded who couldn't even trade futures properly.

The Quest continues for:

1. Cityboy, Beer and Loathing in the City: How London's traders ball it up...

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